Monday, January 25, 2016

What is your Sacramento home’s indoor air quality?

Poor indoor air quality can actually trigger allergies, irritate your lungs and raise your risk of picking up certain diseases. Many HVAC residential heating and air systems are designed to effectively ventilate the home and minimize sources of indoor pollution. Unfortunately when these aren’t serviced and maintained properly, they can become less efficient and actually contribute to poor indoor air quality. Understanding what your indoor air quality is and how to maintain or improve it is vital for a healthy lifestyle. Below are a few top tips for improving the indoor air quality of your home

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How to fix common problems with your heating system

Heating system repair tips for your Sacramento home: if you’re experiencing a few problems with your residential heating system or if you want to ensure your furnace stays in tip top shape so you’re comfortable during the chilly months, there are a few things you can do yourself without calling in a professional repair/maintenance team. Below are 3 common heating system problems that you can fix yourself.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Why solar power is the top investment for homeowners in 2016

After the holiday season, everyone’s looking for ways to save and one of the highest household expenses that residents in Sacramento experience is that of their residential heating and air systems. You might think your heating or air system is running just fine and has been doing so for years, but after having a home energy audit carried out on your Sacramento home, you will probably find you’re wrong. Your outdated or old heating or air system could be costing you 30% more than it should – now that’s an unnecessary expense. By having your home heating and air systems serviced and maintained regularly, you can experience a noticeable reduction in your monthly utility bill. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

How new heating systems will help homeowners save in 2016

An energy efficient home will keep your Sacramento home comfortable and help you cut back on costs in 2016. Your residential heating system is probably one of the biggest draws on your power supply and so it should be the first place you start when looking to ensure that all of your systems and appliances are energy efficient. If you aren’t sure which areas in the home are drawing the most power supply, book a residential energy audit – it can be quite revealing.